Project Gotham Racing
Create concept and feature design documents which give full design and spec of key areas
Prototype and develop key game features across several areas
Work with programming team to develop opponent AI
Design back end dashboard for designers to balance game parameters
Sign off design documents with key stakeholders
Present design goals and progress back to team through presentation / blogs / email
Map player progression of car unlocks
Co create vehicle select system with UI team
Create A/B test plan for internal playtests
Work with gameplay team to select candidates for focus group
Develop question set to use in focus group / assist facilitator during group
Use focus test feedback to create design goals for game / identify player patterns and behavior
Collaborate with gameplay coder to track user inputs on game pad
Identify trends within automotive culture to influence vehicle choices for game.
Hold Q/A sessions with journalists upon completion of game
Gather media reviews and player feedback post launch to assess features and influence future design
BAFTA 2004 - Racing Game - Winner